Saturday, August 23, 2008

Kitchen Progress. Thanks for the help Dad.

New light fixture above the sink.
Dad's good baseboard work. Dusty floor from all the sanding.


Notice the old lights on the cieling

Before the sheetrock and cabinets

unfinished plumbing and sink

This is where the closet used to be. Temporary counter and unfinished sheetrock

After, with temporary countertop and half of the cabinets

Joey removing the old cabinets

Saturday, August 9, 2008

We are having a baby!

Here is our little lima bean. This was taken yesterday at the first doctor's visit. The due date is March 19th. He is 1.7 centimeters long. Amy says, "She is 1.7 centimeters long." His head is at the top.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I wish I could leave this on.

Finally I can paint my mailboxes however I want

Making sure everyone who drives 9th East knows this house doesn't pull for the Utes on October 3rd.
Viva Los Castores!
OSU 28 UofU 17. Guaranteed!