Saturday, March 20, 2010

Barrettes and the ER

So this morning I dropped Joey and my sister DeAnna off on a training run...18 miles. Kaitlyn and I were headed home and all of sudden Kate is choking on something. I quickly looked for a place to pull over pulled into what happened to be Alta View Hospital. Yanked Kate out of her car seat, stuck my finger in there to try and get the foreign object out, saw it (a barrette she had pulled out of her hair), but couldn't get I'm beginning to freak out. Ran Kaitlyn in the ER still freaking out. They took her right in, told them what happened. She was no longer choking so they assumed she had swallowed it and it was either in the esophagus or in the stomach. Sure enough they took an x-ray and voila....

They sent the image up to Primary's where a gastroenterologist determined that the barrette's size was borderline and thought it might pass through the digestive system without any help. So we have till Monday to see if it will run its course. Poor little girl, what a traumatic morning for Kaitlyn...and Mom. Let's just say we won't be using barrettes again anytime soon.

Picture of barrette next to quarter

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Guess who's turned one!

We can hardly believe a year has already gone by. We feel so blessed to have Kaitlyn, she has been such a joy!

This was Kaitlyn's Caterpillar Cake. We thought it turned out pretty well for amateur cake decorators.

Kaitlyn helping get everything ready for her guests....

"'s looking at me"

We started a little shy...

But with some help from her uncle's she figured it out.


Chillin' with the uncle's

Thanks to everyone who came and made our little girl's First Birthday so great!