Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Swimming & Caterpillars!

Swimming lessons were so much fun!

I learned how to blow bubbles...

This is Ms. Dorothy, she was a great teacher!

Kick, kick, kick...

At the end of lessons I got a special certificate and a blue popsicle!

Part 2 - The amazing Caterpillar Craft!

Yes, her outfit changed...let's just say the glue got a little wild!

We'll need some eyes...

A little color...

I love it!


Friday, August 12, 2011

The Binky Fairy

Well we decided it was finally time to get rid of the binky forever! Kate's been pretty attached...she only uses it during naps and for bed time...but is was time to say goodbye. Here's some pics of her getting ready for the "fairy".

One binks

In the bucket they go...

We had to transfer the bucket to another bag to be able tie it outside

Alright, let's do this!

All tied up and ready for the Binky Fairy.

This is our first attempt to go to sleep...the crib fairy also came that same day, so no binkies and the ability to get out of bed on our own was a new adventure. Let's just say from this first attempt to the last took about two hours :) Oi!

Kaitlyn woke up that morning and she beelined it for the backyard. Where low and behold the VERY bike she had been wanting for the past couple of weeks was...

right in her very own back yard!

She loves it....the second night was much easier. We are very proud of our little Kate!