Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day!

I had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas day. On Christmas eve I went to temple square with my mom and dad. We looked at the lights.

Then we came home and I opened a present. It was pajamas. Then me and mom got a plate of cookies for Santa ready and I left a key for him to come in the front door because there is no chimney and no snow.

Christmas morning I got up and ate breakfast in my parents room. We had pop tarts and egg nog. I ate a little of the pop tart, but not the whole thing.

Then we went down stairs and I opened some stockings that Santa left me and one from my grandma and grandpa williams too. I skyped with my family in Oregon. It was fun to see them. Thanks for all of the great presents!

I broke into my parents stocking and started pouding chocolates. They were so good.

Then we went over to my great-grandparents house for brunch. I gave them a present. It was fun.
Then we came home and my parents gave each other some gifts. It was fun to help them open them, but the presents were boring for me.

My mom gave me a piggy bank. It is cool and I love it.
Then we went over to see my aunt carly, aunt Jenny, Uncle Jeff and Uncle Spencer. We ate pizza, played games and they both gave me a present. Thanks everyone! Merry Christmas!